Where to buy Monitaly
Below you will find a curated list of official Monitaly retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Monitaly Menswear
Monitaly Womenswear
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Recently Ended Monitaly Offers
Up to 50% off at Mr Porter
Expired: July 31, 2024Up to 50% off at END
Expired: July 30, 202415% off at Mr Porter
Expired: June 24, 202415% off at Mr Porter
Expired: July 22, 2024About Monitaly
Created in 1997 by Yuki Matsuda of Yuketen fame, Monitaly takes its name from three of Yuki's biggest loves - his daughter Monica, Italy and the military. The result of this inspiration is beautifully constructed pieces that pay homage to a bygone era of craft and clothing. Full of soul and with a distinctive heritage feel, vintage shapes are updated with modern day silhouettes and a sense of the great American outdoors that permeates Monitaly collections.