Where to buy Oliver Sweeney
Below you will find a curated list of official Oliver Sweeney retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Oliver Sweeney Menswear
Oliver Sweeney Womenswear
Active Oliver Sweeney Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Oliver Sweeney Offers
15% off at Accent Clothing
Expired: March 12, 202410% off at Mainline Menswear
Expired: January 16, 202410% off at Pilot
Expired: March 12, 202415% off at Mainline Menswear
Expired: July 15, 2024About Oliver Sweeney
Oliver Sweeney is a young company drawing on a deep well of experience. Since its foundation in 1989 it has walked its own path with a fine eye for sharp but always comfortable footwear. Built around our unique Anatomical Last, which mimics as accurately as possible the profile of the human foot, our shoes have always looked right on the money without slavishly following the short-lived vagaries of fashion trends.
Since our foundation in 1989, Oliver Sweeney has become synonymous with quality and style, encouraging our customers to walk their own path with us time and time again.The original Anatomical LastTM that Oliver designed before launching the brand still forms the basis of all of our footwear today; trying on a pair of Oliver Sweeney shoes is to become a fan.