Where to buy Padmore and Barnes
Below you will find a curated list of official Padmore and Barnes retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Padmore and Barnes Menswear
Padmore and Barnes Womenswear
There are currently womenswear stockists of Padmore and Barnes listed.Active Padmore and Barnes Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Padmore and Barnes Offers
Up to 50% off at END
Expired: January 31, 2024Up to 50% off at END
Expired: July 30, 202420% off at END
Expired: July 19, 202420% off at END
Expired: August 25, 2024About Padmore and Barnes
Padmore & Barnes have been manufacturing shoe since 1934. It was decided then and is carried out today to make shoes of quality and distinction. The company manufactured 25,000 pairs of shoes per week, exported all over the globe and over 500 people were employed in their Kilkenny based plant. In addition, hundreds of people in the surrounding areas were employed part time, hand stitching the shoes in their own homes, which continued an aged old tradition of hand crafts in Ireland.
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