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Recently Ended Toogood Offers
25% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 2024Up to 50% off at Mr Porter
Expired: July 31, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: June 14, 202415% off at Mr Porter
Expired: December 2, 2024About Toogood
OUR AIMS are simple, our methods straightforward. We shall sweep aside the crumbling detritus of plutocrat designers and clear the way for a new aesthetic rooted in individuality and honesty, a liberating mode that is available to all, male and female, old and young. We celebrate the craft and the toil of the workers — not faceless serfs running up disposable fads in farflung sweatshops, but named artisans with pride in their labour.
WE SHALL harness the techniques and forms of this mechanised age and return them to the people. The inherent worth of any object lies not in the pronouncements of the self-appointed arbiters of collective taste, but in provenance and the craftsmanship of manufacture.