Where to buy Woden Footwear
Below you will find a curated list of official Woden Footwear retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Woden Footwear Menswear
Woden Footwear Womenswear
Active Woden Footwear Discount Codes
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There are currently no stores offering discounts on Woden Footwear. View active discount codes and sales.
Recently Ended Woden Footwear Offers
20% off at Flannels
Expired: March 12, 202415% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 202410% off at Accent
Expired: February 11, 202420% off at Cruise
Expired: March 12, 2024About Woden Footwear
The two founders Carsten Holm and Peter Hildebrandt established WODEN in 2013 because they have a passion for creating quality sneakers with a strong appeal. They wanted to bend the rules and make an old dream come true – the first pure and true Scandinavian Sneaker.