Where to buy Hanro
Below you will find a curated list of official Hanro retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Hanro Menswear
Hanro Womenswear
Active Hanro Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Hanro Offers
Up to 25% off at Mr Porter
Expired: March 18, 202430% off at Matches
Expired: April 29, 202420% off at Mr Porter
Expired: October 14, 202425% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 2024About Hanro
1884 Albert Handschin founds a knitwear factory in Liestal, Switzerland. His vision: Lingerie of natural fibers, soft and comfortable to wear – for the elegant, modern woman of the times. In 1913, the trademark HANRO is registered. It is composed of the name of Albert HANdschin and that of his business partner Carl ROnus.
The name HANRO is synonymous with the very finest lingerie. Innovative knitting technology leads to the introduction of Cotton Sensation in 2007: ultra-light cotton in the finest available gauge worldwide.
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