Where to buy Shinola
Below you will find a curated list of official Shinola retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Shinola Menswear
Shinola Womenswear
Active Shinola Discount Codes
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Recently Ended Shinola Offers
25% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: February 4, 202420% off at Farfetch
Expired: June 14, 2024About Shinola
The question isn't why you'd build a watch factory in Detroit, it's why you'd want to see American jobs go anywhere else. Through four Detroit winters, we've been working to bring manufacturing jobs back to Detroit and back to this country. We build our goods to last, but of all the things we make, American jobs might just be the thing we're most proud of.
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