Where to buy Valextra
Below you will find a curated list of official Valextra retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Valextra Menswear
Valextra Womenswear
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Recently Ended Valextra Offers
25% off at Mr Porter
Expired: February 23, 2024Up to 25% off at Mr Porter
Expired: March 18, 202420% off at Luisaviaroma
Expired: September 21, 202420% off at Luisaviaroma
Expired: October 7, 2024About Valextra
Valextra has always been highly distinguished for its structured lines, an apparent simplicity that is the result of extensive research. The maison has, on several occasions in the past, called upon great names in design such as A. G. Fronzoni, the renowned graphic designer and architect of the 1960s, who created exclusively for Valextra the suitcase "Forma 0" and the "Premier" attaché case. Today, Valextra carefully reflects the world of design and architecture. Admirers of linear contours and forms, designers and international architects constitute an important client base for the maison.