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Yummie Tummie
Since: 2008 Location: New York, United States Founder: Heather Thomson Active Yummie Tummie Offers
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Where to buy Yummie Tummie

Below you will find a curated list of official Yummie Tummie retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.

Yummie Tummie Menswear

There are currently menswear stockists of Yummie Tummie listed.

Yummie Tummie Womenswear

Active Yummie Tummie Discount Codes

Discover Yummie Tummie sales and active discount codes for online stores selling Yummie Tummie.

25% off at Shopbop Expires: Unknown
valid on sale items only.

Recently Ended Yummie Tummie Offers

15% off at Zalando
Expired: January 9, 2024
15% off at Zalando
Expired: March 11, 2024
Up to $250 off at Saks Fifth Avenue
Expired: October 12, 2023
25% off at Shopbop
Expired: October 20, 2023

About Yummie Tummie

Yummie Tummie is a modern body contouring shaper. Your Yummie Tummie is meant to be seen while secretly slimming your mid-section and camouflaging visible lumps and bumps!

Yummie Tummie is the first body shaper garment that is top oriented and designed to be worn each and every day as a foundation or layering piece. The effects of Yummie Tummie are dramatic for the wearer, both physically and mentally. Yummie Tummie will give you a boost of confidence! It is extra long in the body so it provides coverage as you bend and move.

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