Where to buy Emanuele Bicocchi
Below you will find a curated list of official Emanuele Bicocchi retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Emanuele Bicocchi Menswear
Emanuele Bicocchi Womenswear
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Recently Ended Emanuele Bicocchi Offers
10% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 30, 202520% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 21, 202515% off at Luisaviaroma
Expired: January 27, 202515% off at Luisaviaroma
Expired: January 31, 2025About Emanuele Bicocchi
Emanuele Bicocchi was born in Florence on 15/07/1983. He has expressed his creativity since he was a small boy and this has developed with the passing of the years. This creativity is a mixture of informal elegance and the capacity to express values, feelings and states of mind.
When he was 18 he collaborated with the biggest names in the fashion world to create some jewel collections. At 21 he met Giulia Diamanti who, as well as being his companion in life, believes in his creative abilities. At 23 he signed his first collection, obtaining very favourable reviews from critics in this sector. Today Emanuele e Giulia manage the brand EMANUELE BICOCCHI, distributing their collections in the most prestigious stores in Italy and abroad. Emanuele continues his path as a designer inventing always new collections characterized by his glam rock attitude while Giulia takes care of the administration and marketing strategies of the company.
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