Where to buy Fernando Jorge
Below you will find a curated list of official Fernando Jorge retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Fernando Jorge Menswear
Fernando Jorge Womenswear
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Recently Ended Fernando Jorge Offers
25% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 29, 202420% off at Matches
Expired: March 12, 202415% off at Mr Porter
Expired: January 31, 202415% off at Mr Porter
Expired: June 24, 2024About Fernando Jorge
Brazilian Fernando Jorge has taken the traditional and turned it on its head in a most inspired way, becoming a shining light in the world of jewellery design.
An early fixation with decorative objects and a passion for drawing led Fernando to his chosen design path. Following an MA in Jewellery Design at Central St. Martins, completed after ten years in key jewellery design roles, Jorge first presented his eponymous collection to critical acclaim in 2010. In a short space of time Jorge had the design world and international media in agreement about his talent.
Jorge gives standard materials – often overlooked in Brazil due to their abundance – his trademark finish, including stones cut in unique forms, and delicate snake chain, all underpinned by an innate sense of the experimental. The finished result is fine yet sculptural and whilst he uses traditional craftsmanship of the past, the feel is strikingly new and modern.
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