Where to buy Anderson’s
Below you will find a curated list of official Anderson’s retailers, from trusted designer fashion stores around the world.
Anderson’s Menswear
Anderson’s Womenswear
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Recently Ended Anderson’s Offers
10% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 30, 202515% off at Mr Porter
Expired: January 15, 202520% off at Farfetch
Expired: January 21, 202515% off at Mr Porter
Expired: February 7, 2025About Anderson’s
Since its beginning in 1966 Anderson´s, creator of classic belts for men, has pursued a standard of high quality, combining modern techniques with the experience and tradition of the "Parma leather artisans", a tradition that prefers the evolution of taste to its revolution
Particular attention is given to the materials, which are chosen with care from the best European tanneries. Production takes place exclusively at the laboratories in Parma, where each individual operation is supervised by expert craftsmen and where each belt is finished and polished by hand. Two musts of the Anderson´s collection are the hand-tooled crocodile belts and the tubolar belt with internal seams, symbols of its elegance and prestige.
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